Is this your full time job? After working additional jobs as a college student coaching chess part time for his beginning years, Coach Steve transitioned to coaching full-time in 2009.
What is the difference between rated and unrated events? Rated events such as Nationals, States, United Minds, and Regionals report results to the national database. Ratings from these tournaments are based on the player's results and strength of opponent. Rated tournaments give students an accurate indication of playing strength. Non-rated events such as Mary Bryant tournaments do not report results to the national database, providing players a less competitive atmosphere and lower risk for high rated players.
Does my child need a chess clock? Board One suggests using a clock as a reward, incentivising your child to work hard to earn specific goals. Create an achievable list of goals such as a tournament win or reaching a set rating and your child most likely will appreciate it more. Plus, there's not much need in competitions for a chess clock until a 600+ rating is achieved.
What do we do if we don't have time to practice with our child? While playing a parent does help, online resources, private lessons and school clubs are the most efficient route to solid play. Your child isn't at a disadvantage if you don't play, so don't feel like you need to learn chess. Play with them when you can and don't feel guilty when you can't.
Should my child play up a division (1st grader in K-3)? Unless your child is consistently winning tournaments or finishing in the top 3, Board One suggests players stick to age appropriate sections. Kids' confidence and joy for the game can easily be lost when they transition from winning regularly to placing significantly lower in an older section. Plus, if your child is winning in his age group, Board One suggest letting them enjoy that for a while!